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check with IE function getCaret() { return area.selectionStart; } function setCaret(pos) { area.selectionStart = pos; area.selectionEnd = pos; } function Snapshot() { pos = getCaret(); txt = area.value; if( txt_hist[ihist-1]==area.value ) return; if( ihist==nhist ) { pos_hist.push(pos); txt_hist.push(txt); ihist++; if( pos_hist.length > Nhist ) { pos_hist.shift(); txt_hist.shift(); ihist--; } } else { pos_hist[ihist] = pos; txt_hist[ihist] = txt; ihist++; if( (ihist+1)<=nhist ) for(i=ihist+1; i<=nhist; i++) { pos_hist.pop(); txt_hist.pop(); } } nhist = ihist; } function Undo() { //if( browser=='Chrome' ) if(0) { document.execCommand('undo',false,null); return; } if( nhist==0 ) return; if( ihist<2 ) return; if( txt_hist[ihist-1]!=area.value ) Snapshot(); ihist--; i = ihist-1 pos = pos_hist[i]; txt = txt_hist[i]; setCaret(pos); area.value = txt; } function Redo() { //if( browser=='Chrome' ) if(0) { document.execCommand('redo',false,null); return; } if( nhist==0 ) return; if( ihist==nhist ) return; pos = pos_hist[ihist]; txt = txt_hist[ihist]; ihist++; setCaret(pos); area.value = txt; } function DecSize() { if( localStorage.notepad_fontSize > 8 ) { localStorage.notepad_fontSize--; if( localStorage.notepad_fontSize >= 13 ) localStorage.notepad_fontSize--; SetFontSize(); } area.focus(); } function IncSize() { if( localStorage.notepad_fontSize < 50 ) { localStorage.notepad_fontSize++; if( localStorage.notepad_fontSize >= 13 ) localStorage.notepad_fontSize++; SetFontSize(); } area.focus(); } function TextLines() { var visibility=$("#tlines").css('visibility'); $("#tlines").css('visibility', (visibility == 'visible') ? 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